Contact Details
You can contact the school between 8am - 4:30pm in the following ways and a member of our office team will ensure you get a timely response.
The core school hours are 9.00am (8.55 bell goes) to 3.30pm. 32.5 Hours a week.
All information on our school website is available as printed copies, one copy will be provided free of charge. Copies can be requested via the school office.
Our SENDco is Helen Bennett. She can be contacted via the school office.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Helen Bennett. She can be contacted via the school office.
To contact our Chair of the Governing Board, please send a message via the school office.
Newington Green Primary School
Matthias Road
N16 8NP
Tel: 020 7254 3092
Contact Us: