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Parent And Teacher Association

Welcome to our PTA

At Newington Green Primary School we have a Parent Teacher Association that is and has been an integral part of the school community for many years. To introduce ourselves a little, the main aim of the PTA is to raise money to spend on enhancing our children’s experience during their time at school. We fund extra resources and enriching activities and trips.

With our half-termly Newsletter, the PTA keeps parents up-to-date with our fund-raising, spending and upcoming events. All money raised is allocated to school needs by consultation between the PTA and school staff. During last year funds raised by the PTA paid for supplementing the Take Home Reading Books in the school library; Christmas storytelling sessions for all years; the purchasing of equipment for the Early Years new SEND area; and provided emergency support for families in need.

The PTA supplied activity packs for children during lockdown and funds have been put towards the Magic Breakfast programme. Much of the fund-raising is done by organising events that can be enjoyed by the whole school community, but these occasions are not only about raising money. We see bringing parents, children and staff together as a key contribution to school life.

We have an annual calendar that includes termly movie and pizza nights, seasonal fairs and celebrations, an annual pantomime, disco nights, charity dressing-up days, cakes sales, talent shows, and more. We’re also assisting with the development of the after school clubs on offer.

We know parents are busy people but any of you, our school community, are very welcome to get involved, whether it’s coming to meetings and helping with plans, manning cake stalls, or just contributing via our WhatsApp chat group. If you are interested, please speak to Parul, our Home School Worker, or pop along to one of the meetings, or email us at: We usually have a meeting in the first week of each half term, and we announce the times and dates in our half-termly PTA Newsletter and the weekly school newsletter.