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Meet Our Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.   We are the Federated Governing Board of Rotherfield and Newington Green Primary Schools.

Please find below details of how our Governing Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Our Governors come from a range of backgrounds, and bring different areas of expertise to the school.  Governors contribute to ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in the school by:

  • setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the executive headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

A Governor’s role is to support and challenge the senior staff to continue to improve the school.  It is largely a thinking and questioning role and Governors are not there to manage the school or do the jobs of school staff.  Governors fulfil their role by regularly attending Governing Board meetings, providing strategic guidance and by asking probing and challenging questions of leaders within the school.  They also undertake visits, serve on relevant committees and oversee the Headteacher’s performance management.

We expect all governors to uphold the seven principles of public life (the Nolan principles) which form the basis of the ethical standards expected of all public office holders: selflessness, integrity; objectivity; accountability; openness; honesty; and leadership.

The first meeting of the Federated Board was the 14th July 2022.  The terms of reference below reflect the new Federated Boards work. 

Our new board has the following members: 

Term to

Donna Shah


Co-opted Governor

  • Chair of Federated Board
  • Chair of NG Children Families and Communities 
  • Safeguarding Governor
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Pay committee

Mark Boyle


Co-opted Governor

  • Vice Chairs of Federated Board
  • Chair of Revenue and Resources Committee
  • Pay committee

Jenny Kay


Co-opted Governor

  • Vice Chairs of Federated Board
  • Teaching and Learning

Abi Misselbrook-Lovejoy


Ex Officio Governor

  • Full Governors
  • Revenue and Resources

Linda Wickstrom


Co-opted Governor

  • Chair of RF Children and Communities
  • Parent and Pupil voice Governor

Heather Eggins


Co-opted Governor

  • NG Children Families and Communities 
  • Revenue and Resources

Andrew Bosi


LA Governor

  • SEND Governor
  • Resource and Revenue

Charlie Radcliffe


Co-opted Governor

  • Safeguarding Governor
  • RF Children Families and Communities 
  • Revenue and Resources

Miriam Grigg


Co-opted Governor

  • SEND Governor
  • RF Children Families and Communities 

Cressida Jupp


Associate Governor 

  • Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee
  • Curriculum Governor 

Joon Ho Son


Co-opted Governor

  • RF Children Families and Communities 
  • Revenue and Resources

Phil Stevens


Co-opted Governor

  • NG Children Families and Communities 

Nicole Jaiyeola


Co-opted Governor

  • Revenue and Resources


Natasha Kalisz


Co-opted Governor

  • NG Children Families and Communities 
  • Teaching and Learning

Chloe Lister


Staff Governor 

  • Teaching and Learning
Thora Eberts 03/07/2028 Parent Governor
  • NG Children Families and Communities 

Our Governors skills and professional backgrounds:

Donna Shah – Chair of the Board. Co-Opted Governor

Donna has been a governor at Newington Green for around 10 years as both a staff governor and later as a co-opted governor, joining the Federated Board in July 2022. She works as a Digital Learning Adviser at Cognita Schools, an international schools group having previously worked at Newington Green and Rotherfield as the Computing specialist. Donna recently completed a Masters degree in Digital Education and is patiently awaiting the final result for this. Her passion for technology and its place in the education sector developed during her time at Newington, developing connections with Microsoft and her role within the educator community. Two young grandchildren and her family keep her busy, as does her role as Head of Digital Learning with the charity Ignite Hubs, but in the remaining 'free' time Donna likes to read, attend 'Films in Concert' and take care of her pets.

Mark Boyle - Co Vice Chair

Mark has been a Governor at Rotherfield for over 10 years and joined the Federated Board in July 2022. He is a Partner at Ernst & Young, a major international professional services firm. Mark lives in Highbury with his wife and two young children. When not at work or performing taxi services for his family, Mark’s favourite place to be is surfing (badly!) in Cornwall.




Abi Misselbrook-Lovejoy - Executive Headteacher 

Abi has an honours degree in Geography and Education and a Masters degree in Teaching with distinction. In April 2010 Abi began work at Newington Green as the Headteacher.  In 2012 Abi trained as an OFSTED inspector, and completed her Professional Qualification in School Inspection.  In 2020 Abi completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Executive Coaching. In February 2017 Abi became the Executive Head over Rotherfield Primary School, and Newington Green.  In this role Abi is accountable for the improvement of both schools. In 2019 Abi won the Islington Headteacher of the Year award.


Linda Wickstrom - Co-opted Governor

Linda is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) professional with ten years’ experience in the industry, working both in house and as a consultant. Her current role is as Grant Giving and Engagement Lead within the technology consultancy Accenture UK’s Corporate Citizenship team, where she manages a number of multi-stakeholder partnerships, employee engagement programmes and provides support for charities to innovate digitally. Linda has previously held roles at the City of London Corporation, working in a consultant capacity to support City businesses to set up new CSR programmes and managing a CSR award scheme on behalf of the Lord Mayor of City of London. Linda has also worked within the charity sector, supporting corporate partnerships and engagement. In her spare time Linda enjoys travelling, cooking, skiing and surfing.

Charlie Radcliffe - Co-opted Governor

Charlie has worked in Credit and Political Risk Insurance at BPL Global in London since 2008, having joined directly from university. He works on a number of European clients. Charlie studied European Languages and has a Master’s degree from both Edinburgh University and Oxford University. He was born in Battersea and now lives in Highbury with his wife and son and has a passion for literature and football.



Andrew Bosi - LA Governor

I have been an LEA governor since November 2nd, 1981 at Rotherfield. I joined the Federated Board in July 2022. I do some voluntary numeracy to support a small group of year 6 pupils, and am the lead governor on SEND. I currently teach some statistics at Hertfordshire University, I write cricket reports, I umpire in the Chess Valley League, I sing in a Gregorian chant choir. I have lived within fifteen minutes' walk of the school since March 1978.



Miriam Grigg - Co-opted Governor

Miriam is Deputy Director for International Strategy and Regulation on Space in the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Miriam became a Civil Servant in 2011, before which she worked at Goldman Sachs. Her Civil Service career has focused on international and EU strategic policy leadership, including on Nuclear Energy, with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Intellectual Property Office and Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Miriam is passionate about diversity and inclusion. She lives in Islington with her husband and their young daughter, and in her spare time enjoys singing, reading and gardening.

Heather Eggins – Co-opted Governor

Heather Eggins trained as a teacher, and has taught in schools and in education departments of universities. She is currently attached to the Institute of Education at Staffordshire University, where she supervises the research theses of postgraduate students studying for doctorates. She also edits books and writes on topics concerned with higher education policy.

She served as a Governor at Newington Green School for a number of years, including acting as Vice-Chairperson for a period. She joined the Federated Board in July 2022.

Cressida Jupp – Associate Governor to the Federated Board

Cressida has been a full governor at Newington Green for 18 years, chairing the Teaching and Learning Committee for much of that time. Previously, she was a governor at another Islington primary school. She has an MA in working in multicultural schools. Now retired, Cressida was a specialist EAL (English as an additional language) teacher at William Tyndale School and before that in schools in west London. She helped set up a national association for EAL teachers and organised its conferences.  Her interest in schools with pupils from international families led to her choosing to be a governor at Newington and Rotherfield.

Phil Stevens - Co-opted Governor

My name is Phil Stevens, and it is my privilege to be a cop-opted federation governor for Newington Green and Rotherfield primary schools.

Three of my children attended Newington Green for their education, and currently three of my grandchildren are students at Newington Green.

I am a law graduate from the University of London Birkbeck, and It is my privilege to be employed as the Chief Executive Officer of a small Disability charity whilst at the same time volunteering as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for Disability Action in Islington, both organisations are user-led charities for the D/deaf and disabled community.

I have been a leading advocate for disability rights both locally in Islington and nationally for the last 20 years. I serve as one of Metropolitan Police's Independent Disability Advisors. I also advise Network Rail on issues related to accessibility across the rail network

I am passionate about the provision of high-quality equitable education for all children across the borough particularly for students with special educational needs.

I grew up in the countryside of Kent but have worked and lived in London for the last 26 years. I have a love for everything equestrian and canine.

Joon Ho Son - Co-opted Governor

Joon is a recent graduate, having obtained a Master's degree in Computing, and joined the federated board in October 2022. He is passionate about the ways in which technology can be applied to improve the quality of education and healthcare for all, and currently works as a Software Engineer in Google Health, helping to build clinical tools. Joon's most recent interest is learning how to tumble.


Jenny Kay - Co Vice Chair

Jenny has been a governor at Newington Green since 2013. Jenny grew up in New York and has lived in London since her teens. She has been a councillor for Mildmay ward in Islington since 2014. She is passionate about education and social justice. Jenny co-founded a refugee charity, co-chairs Newington Green Action Group and is on the board of two foundations. She works as a research consultant, helping clients to develop evidence-based strategies. In her spare time she loves finding new places to eat, usually with a dog in tow.



Nicole Jaiyeola -Co-opted Governor

My name is Nicole Jaiyeola-Shofela and I am privileged to be a Co-opted Governor for Newington Green and Rotherfield Primary Schools. Both my twin daughters attend Newington Green, and I have not only been an Islington resident all my life but also attended an Islington Primary and Secondary school. I currently work for the London Borough of Islington in the Schools Human Resources Team, where we manage HR services for over 60 schools in the Borough and neighbouring boroughs. I also volunteer to give HR advice for a charity for pregnant women.
I have a degree in English Language and Literature and graduated in 2021 with a Masters degree in Human Resource Management.
I am passionate about  young people, their growth, and their learning and also for them to access all available resources to them.

Chloe Lister -  Phase 2 and Maths/Science Assistant Headteacher 

Deputy DSL

Chloe graduated with first class honours in Drama in 2012 before completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Education at Durham University. She began her first teaching post at Newington Green in 2015 and a year later became Science Leader. As Science Leader, Chloe led the school to achieving a Primary Science Quality Mark Award in Outreach, evidencing high-quality science teaching and learning at Newington Green and demonstrating her impact in surrounding schools. For her work in Primary Science, Chloe won a Primary Science Teaching Award in 2021. In 2020, Chloe became Maths Leader and worked with teachers across the school to further develop fluency and embed a mastery approach to Maths teaching and learning. During her time at Newington Green, she taught across all Key Stages. Following a short career break, to go travelling, Chloe joined Rotherfield in May 2023 in the role of temporary Assistant Headteacher for KS2 and Maths and Science subject leader (covering maternity leave).

Natasha Kalisz - Parent Governor 

My name is Natasha, after 10 years working as a producer / director in TV, I am now a producer at a company making title sequences for TV and Films.

Both my daughters attend Newington Green, and I was the co- chair of the Newington Green PTA for 6 years, in which time we built a brilliant school community and helped to raise funds to aid the children's education.






Thora Eberts - Parent Governor 

Thora recently joined the governing body as a Parent Governor. Thora has approaching twenty years of experience working across the education and youth sectors. In education, Thora has worked across teacher development,  leadership development, and education policy. Thora was a founding member of Teaching Leaders (now Ambition Institute), an organisation dedicated to improving life chances for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds through developing high potential middle leaders working in challenging schools. In her most recent role in education, Thora set up and managed the national network of Teaching School Hubs, 87 teacher development centres of excellence providing initial teacher training, teacher development and leadership development to schools across the country. Within their first year of delivery, the national hub network trained 30,000 teachers across the Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualifications. Thora is currently Director of Network Delivery at UK Youth, a leading youth charity working to unlock youth work for all young people across the UK. Thora oversees a portfolio of youth development programmatic delivery as well as the development of innovative cross sector professional development initiatives to better ‘join up’ youth facing practitioners in support of young people. 

The statutory Governors information is provided for last academic year for both individual school boards.

Governor person specification 

We expect all governors to be able to demonstrate the following essential qualities and attributes:

  • commitment to improving education for all pupils;
  • ability to work in a professional manner as part of a team and to take collective responsibility for decisions;
  • willingness to learn and to engage in training and development;
  • commitment to the school’s vision and ethos and to the democratic values of freedom, tolerance and respect for the rule of law;
  • literacy, numeracy and IT skills, sufficient to deal with governing board papers and school data.

Across the Governing Board as a whole, we are also looking to ensure that a range of specialist skills are covered (but we do not expect any individual governor to have all of these), including: understanding and experience of governance; strategic planning; human resources and performance management; data analysis; financial planning/budgeting; community engagement and volunteering; legal understanding; premises and property management; and experience of working in education/social care/health settings.

The Governing Board may also decide to appoint Associate Governors to serve on a particular committee if they provide a specific skill that the committee requires.  Associate Governors can vote at committee meetings.  They can also attend full Governing Board meetings in a non-voting capacity.

We expect all governors to uphold the seven principles of public life (the Nolan principles) which form the basis of the ethical standards expected of all public office holders: selflessness, integrity; objectivity; accountability; openness; honesty; and leadership.

When vacancies arise, these are advertised on the Governors for Schools ( Anyone interested in being considered for a future vacancy may also contact us directly on clearly marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors.