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Building Growth Mindsets

At Newington Green, the children, staff, governors and parents have been learning all about growth mindsets.

At Newington Green, the children, staff, governors and parents have been learning all about growth mindsets. We have been looking at the work of world renowned psychologist Carol Dweck, who has been researching mindsets for over 20 years. Her research shows us that by learning about mindsets, children can increase their learning power, become more resilient and improve their mental wellbeing.

Our Growth Mindset Charter

At Newington Green ….

  • We understand that we can train our brains and make them grow.
  • We love challenges and are always looking for ways to improve.
  • We are not scared of mistakes, because we know they help us learn.
  • We are not afraid to take risks in our learning, or ask questions.
  • We understand that the effort and the journey taken are often more important than the final outcome.
  • We understand that ‘purposeful practice’ and feedback help us to improve.
  • We don’t put limits on ourselves or others.
  • We recognise that our strengths and skills can change.
  • We learn from and encourage each other and are inspired by the success of others.
  • We use encouraging language with each other.
  • We realise that success is the result of hard work, determination and perseverance.
  • We keep going, even when it’s challenging.
  • We share and celebrate our successes in all areas of learning.

Our Parent Guide includes useful information about growth mindsets and tips on how to help your child develop a growth mindset. You can find useful resources for learning about mindsets in our useful links document (below).